Things can be really tough for a person if they start having financial issues. Not only do people stop extending support, but your creditors can also turn devilish overnight. Ruthless times require brutality and debt collectors are not behind when it comes to collecting their dues. They can be very cold-blooded to get hands on the money you owe them. Despite the provision of The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), to protect the consumers, some debt collectors will leave no stone unturned to get what is due to them. If you think you are being unfairly treated by a debt collector, but are unsure whether the actions are illegal or not, you can consult collection attorneys. According to Sacramento based law firm Recovery Law Group, the most common violations done by debt collectors include:
Making Harassing Calls
The government through the FTC has put in stringent rules regarding when debt collectors can contact you via telephones. According to the guidelines available on the FTC website, calling at unusual hours (before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.) is strictly not allowed. In case your employer doesn’t allow calls, and you inform (either verbal or in writing) the collector of this; they cannot make calls at your workplace.
Making Contact with Third Party
Recently, it has been observed that bill collectors have resorted to calling unauthorized third parties which may include your family, friends or employers. Unfortunately, they are not allowed to discuss your debt issues with anyone except you, your spouse (in some cases) or your attorney. They are, however, allowed to contact people to find out your place of employment, your address or phone number; but they are refrained to discuss your debt with anyone.
Sending Validation Notice
The debt collector must send proper notice of your debt not more than 5 days after their first contact with you. The validation notice sent to you must include the creditor, amount owed by you, and a way to contradict the debt in case you think you don’t owe it.
In case you have been undergoing any or all of these things, it is important to take a stand and make debt collectors pay a price. You can contact any collection attorney to assess if you have a claim under FDCPA and help administer your rights.