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How to Get Creditors Names Removed from Credit Report After Bankruptcy?

Most people who have gone through bankruptcy are worried about the after-effects of the same. They would love to put this chapter behind them as soon as possible. One of the major concerns people who have filed for bankruptcy is getting the creditors names removed from the debtor’s credit report after completion of the Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. However, according to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group lawyers, this is not possible. Experienced bankruptcy lawyers elaborate that neither filing for bankruptcy nor completion of bankruptcy plan will remove the accounts included in bankruptcy to be removed [...]


What is the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

The two most common chapters under which bankruptcy is filed are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 is known as liquidation bankruptcy where non exempted assets are liquidated or sold off to pay your creditors. This chapter of bankruptcy typically results in discharge within 3 months of filing without making any further payments. While in Chapter 13 bankruptcy case, a court approved repayment plan is devised to clear your debts with the creditors. According to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, partial payment based on your disposable income is made to creditors over a period [...]


Get Your Credit Report Updated to Show Bankruptcy Discharge

Since bankruptcy filing is public information, people can have access to it. This is a major point of concern for bankruptcy filers as it hampers their chance of getting a loan or even a decent job. Though the information is entered in your credit report, any discharge granted for the bankruptcy should also be mentioned on the credit report. Many times as per the Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group lawyers, the information is not updated on credit reports. This is a cause of worry for people who wish to start their life afresh but [...]


Need to Update Your Bankruptcy Information? Here’s What You Should Do

Bankruptcy involves a lot of paperwork, both while filing for it and even after discharge. It is therefore important to have legal representation to get through with it smoothly. In case you are looking for legal representation, you can call 888-297-6023 to know more about bankruptcy and its discharge. Generally, post-bankruptcy discharge, creditors update information in their accounts which are eventually displayed on the credit reports. However, many times creditors don’t update the information. According to lawyers of Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, there are options available for individuals if their creditors haven’t updated [...]


What are Some of the Biggest Mistakes People Make While Paying off Debt?

Nearly 50% of the population in the US is under debt. This can be attributed to lifestyle mistakes like not living on a budget, not creating any emergency and retirement funds, etc. To get out of debts, it is important to seek counseling and alter your lifestyle. Lawyers of Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group confirm that this can be done by avoiding common mistakes usually made by people such as: Not changing spending habits It is important to realize that your spending habits lead you to this condition. Unless you make changes, you will [...]


While Filing for Bankruptcy Avoid Making These Mistakes

Bankruptcy can change the way you live. However, if you want it to not affect your life negatively, it is important to know what to avoid prior to filing for bankruptcy. According to lawyers of Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, many people skirt around bankruptcy laws in order to protect their assets. It is important to understand that the bankruptcy court does not approve of certain tactics, usage of which might result in the dismissal of your bankruptcy petition or filing of criminal charges against you. the latter might cost you dearly, not just [...]


Should You opt for Bankruptcy Or Debt Consolidation?

If you are under debt, don't worry; you are not alone. There are lots of people sailing in the same boat as you. There can be numerous reasons for accumulating debts such as sudden medical expenses, loss of a job, increase in mortgage, high tuition fee or buying a new vehicle. Fortunately, there is help available to get rid of huge amounts of debts; the most popular being bankruptcy. It is often the most feared and misunderstood option according to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group. Other options like debt consolidation, debt management, and debt settlement [...]


How Can Bankruptcy Help You?

Nobody in their right senses would like to go overboard on their expenses. Everyone knows the detrimental effect of going under debt. However, unfortunate circumstances can lead anyone to the brink of bankruptcy. Lawyers of Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group inform that bankruptcy is probably one of the best legal ways to get rid of a huge amount of debts. Many people are doubtful about how bankruptcy can help you. Here are a few reasons how bankruptcy can be the best decision you can take: Control snowballing effect People who are trying to make [...]


Can Bankruptcy Protect You and Your Property?

Bankruptcy is a legal way to get rid of your debts. You can get rid of a huge amount of unsecured debts while protecting your exempted assets from going under the hammer. When you file for bankruptcy, Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group lawyers enlighten that any collection action including foreclosure, wage garnishment or bank levies are put to an end. You have access to your financial accounts and with the bankruptcy petition, any wage garnishment done 90 days prior to filing can be returned and taxes levied, refunded. Another advantage of filing for bankruptcy [...]


Should You File For Bankruptcy Without a Lawyer

A person who is struggling with financial issues often wants to save as much money as possible. Even if that means filing for bankruptcy without a lawyer. Unfortunately, filing for bankruptcy is more than just filling a few forms and filing them in the court. Though people can file for bankruptcy without a lawyer (pro se), it is generally not advisable. Data available for bankruptcy discharge with and without a lawyer will justify why it is advised to hire a lawyer when filing for bankruptcy. As per statistics available, only 0.4% of pro se Chapter 13 bankruptcy filers [...]

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