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Can you appeal if your Social Security Disability application is dismissed?

The Social Security Disability association can reject the application of the candidate if they are not satisfied with the requirements. The applicant, however, can appeal again to the Social Security appeal council. The applicant must carefully understand the process to present the case strongly. They can visit Recovery Law Group for good advice. When is the best time to appeal? Timing plays an important role in all decisions. Same is true in this case. The applicant must apply within 60 days of receiving the rejection letter. In case of a late appeal, he must justify the reason for being [...]


Potential reasons for the dismissal of Social Security Disability Benefits

The Social Security Disability Insurance association offers benefits to people suffering from a disability. It can at the same time dismiss the applications if it does not satisfy the norms. What may be the reasons to dismiss? The applicant must know before filling the form. They can log on to Recovery Law Group for a clear perspective. Reasons for dismissing Social Security Disability Benefits can be the following-: Improper or incorrect information filled in the form by the applicant. There is a form that the applicant needs to fill to apply for the benefit. He/she must fill the form [...]


Eligibility for SSDI & SSI Benefits

The laws are made for the benefits of the citizens of the USA. However, while some may be ignorant to use it, others are too intelligent to wrongly employ it for their benefit. Hence, the Government, in order to prevent misuse of the benefits have issued forms/application that allows them to choose the right candidate. The right candidate apparently, may not know about the benefits they can get and may miss and suffer unnecessarily. The site Recovery Law Group helps such candidate to apply and get the SSDI & SSI Benefits. SSDI or Social Security Disability Insurance & SSI or [...]


List of Impairments That Qualify for Disability Benefits

The government of the USA has some good plans to help people with disability. The nature of disability has been chalked out into a List of Impairments. This list of impairments consists of 14 medical conditions which can make a person aspirant for life-long payment benefits. These medical conditions prevent people to work and get employed to earn, leaving them with no means to lead a decent life. The candidate can visit Recovery Law Group to know whether his/her disable condition falls within or near to the list of impairments. Musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) MSD or Musculoskeletal disorders are disorders [...]


SSDI & SSI Benefits

SSDI or Social Security Disability Insurance & SSI or Social Security Income are two plans by the US Federal association that aims to aid the person and their dependent families suffering from a disability. Disability can occur to any person due to accident or any disease that can make them redundant to earn. Such people cannot be ignored and left without any financial help. The USA government is considerate about such people and hence introduces such programs that can allow decent life to the disabled people. To avail the help the candidate must apply for the benefits and can [...]


Good News for Chapter 7 Debtors! Cannot Have Two Pending Cases Simultaneously Says Court

For most people, filing for bankruptcy is the best legal way to get rid of insurmountable debt. Of the two chapters in which individuals can file for bankruptcy, Chapter 7 is preferred since it takes relatively less time to get discharge and thanks to the various exemptions, you are able to protect almost all your property. However, if despite filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7, you are unable to get a discharge, it can result in huge stress on the individual. According to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm, such an incident occurred with an individual who had [...]


Is Bankruptcy The Right Decision

The debtor may often ask ‘if bankruptcy is the right decision for me?’. This is so because bankruptcy may be seen as a dishonor or disgrace to their reputation. Consequently, a person not able to clear off his loans is more dishonorable than bankruptcy. In bankruptcy, the debtor is trying to clear some part of the debt, which may not be otherwise possible. The debtor when realizes that in no circumstances, he will swim through the loans successfully, and ultimately drown, must take rescue in bankruptcy. Detail information is available on- Qualifying for bankruptcy The government of [...]


Who Can Qualify for Bankruptcy?

Misfortune can come calling to anyone. None can save themselves when bad luck strikes. There are several examples of wealthy and influential people having to file for bankruptcy because they had accumulated many bad loans. Bankruptcy has been used by both individuals and organizations to get rid of various debts. According to Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm, a good bankruptcy lawyer knows that to judge a person under heavy financial debt is futile because there are a number of reasons apart from the obvious, which can lead to a person accumulating huge debts. Some of the [...]


Want to Get Rid of Debts Hire an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney

If you are facing financial issues and have accumulated a huge debt, hiring an expert bankruptcy attorney, can be the best way to get those debts discharged. Though bankruptcy helps get your unsecured nonpriority debts discharged, your credit history takes a hit. However, with time, you can rebuild your credit and improve your financial stability. According to Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm, bankruptcy is the best legal way to provide you with a fresh financial start. However, all of this is possible when you have an expert bankruptcy lawyer by your side. Finding one is not [...]


Common Misconceptions Regarding Bankruptcy

Despite bankruptcy being one of the best methods of legally getting rid of unsecured debts, it is often misunderstood. People look down upon the very idea of filing for bankruptcy due to the unnecessary social stigma attached to it. There are numerous instances of business organizations and personal finances crumbling to eventually end up in financial ruins. According to Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm, people are unaware of of the various misconceptions existing about bankruptcy. If you are undergoing extreme financial stress should consult expert bankruptcy lawyers at 888-297-6023 to clear your doubts regarding misconceptions associated [...]

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