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Bankruptcy and Business Continuity

The common illusion about bankruptcy is that a business might have to wrap up after bankruptcy or business will not be able to continue after bankruptcy. However, this might not be true in most scenarios. There are different sections under which bankruptcy could be filed, these maybe Chapter 7 or 11 or 13. The company structure, business activity, assets and the fixed or probable income available to fund a repayment schedule can help in determining the right section to file bankruptcy. Factors of consideration for business continuity Is the business really making money? Not every startup idea is [...]


Different Categories of Debts During Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be a complicated process especially when the filer possesses different kinds of debts. Classifying the debts in the right order or priority might seem simple but is a very complicated process. These debts can be replaced by a phrase called ‘lender claims’ or ‘creditor claim’. The first step to this complicated process is to segregate debt between secured and unsecured debts. Secured means debts which have a lien or a security backing in the form of collateral. You will use Schedule D to list such secured creditors. While unsecured debts are debts which are given without [...]


Who is Not Eligible to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

A bad financial situation can affect anybody anytime. Bankruptcy is one of the most viable solutions to get out of huge financial debts. A person or company can file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Chapter 7 or liquidation bankruptcy is generally preferred as it takes comparatively less time and gets rid of unsecured debts. However, qualifying for Chapter 7 is one of the primary requirements to get a discharge. According to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm, an individual filing for consumer bankruptcy needs to pass the means test, which requires you to have income [...]


What to Do with Your Checking Account in Case of a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing?

When you file for bankruptcy all your assets are divided into the exempt and non-exempt property. While you can keep your exempt property, the non-exempt property is used to pay back your creditors. In the case of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the trustee liquidates your non-exempt property to repay unsecured debts. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can keep non-exempt property too, but you need to pay an equivalent amount to your unsecured creditors. According to Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm, funds in your checking account can be used to repay your creditors, or kept by the bank [...]


Which Chapter of Bankruptcy Would Work Best for Me?

People, when confounded with huge amounts of debts, are often looking for ways to get out of this grim situation. Filing for bankruptcy is one of the options that they can choose. However, there are other options also available, say lawyers of Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm, to provide you with a fresh start. Individuals can file for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, however, each has eligibility requirements; you should have income low enough to pass the Chapter 7 means test or substantial disposable income apart from a dollar limit cap on your debts [...]


What to do if Mortgage Lender Refuses to Send Monthly Statements Post-Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is a trying time for people who are debt-ridden. Even after getting a discharge through bankruptcy, the secured debts and priority debts remain. If a debtor who has a mortgage on their house but didn’t reaffirm the loan during bankruptcy continues making monthly payments towards the loan but does not receive monthly mortgage statements from the lender, can be in trouble. Since sending periodic statements can be construed as a violation of the automatic stay provision of bankruptcy, there exists a debate over it. The automatic stay prevents creditors to take any collection action and these statements [...]


What is No-Asset Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

While the Chapter 7 is known as the bankruptcy code which sets off debt from the liquidation of assets, it can be surprising to learn about No-Asset Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It could be even more surprising to note that most of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy California cases are No-Asset cases. The no-asset case is a scenario where, the filer does not give in any asset or cash to the bankruptcy trustee for liquidation. The filer instead keeps possession of all the assets, he/she owns. The lenders or creditors will not expect any proceeds or debt settlement, as there [...]


Under what circumstances is Chapter 7 bankruptcy better than Chapter 13?

Chapter 7 is not often recommended by experts as people tend to lose their valuable assets with this type of bankruptcy. However, there are many situations when Chapter 7 can be beneficial than Chapter 13. These benefits can be interpreted as reasons for opting for Chapter 7 over Chapter 13. To learn more about bankruptcy, Chapter 7, Chapter 13 and other Chapters log on to List of some benefits of Chapter 7 Less time-consuming- The process of applying for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and receiving a court judgment is relatively quick. An average case could take 3-6 [...]


What is Emergency Bankruptcy Filing?

Creditors can go to any lengths to get their money back. This may include threatening phone calls, foreclosure, repossession, wage garnishment, collection lawsuit, etc. If you are on the verge of getting evicted or any similar situation, bankruptcy can come in handy. When you file for bankruptcy in court, the automatic stay provision protects you from all collection actions by creditors. However, bankruptcy filing requires you to fill several forms. This requires time, which you don’t have. Dallas based bankruptcy law firm, suggest an alternative. You can opt for an emergency bankruptcy filing, also known as skeleton [...]


What Happens to Student Loan Debt in Bankruptcy?

Student debt is one of the debts which does not get discharged during bankruptcy; neither in Chapter 7 nor in Chapter 13 unless you can prove that repaying them can cause undue hardship to you. According to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm, different tests are used by different courts to determine undue hardship. In the undue hardship test, most courts offer you to get either the entire loan discharged or nothing at all; while some courts might allow you a partial discharge of student loan. To get this loan discharged during bankruptcy, either you should have very [...]

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